
Passive samplers for water


EWL serie: (SPMD type)

EWL 15 serie: (SPMD type)

EWL15 with canister serie: (SPMD type)

  • EWL15 with canister - Exposmeter Water Lipophilic 15 cm with cansiter

    EWL15 with canister samplers characteristics are the same as EWL15 with exception that the membrane is delivered mounted on spider and placed in the aliumina canister.  

    Aliumina canister for EWL15 with canister series samplers.

    Dimensions: 9cm x 3cm x 3 cm
  • EWL15-PRC with canister - Exposmeter Water Lipophilic PRC 15 cm with canister

    EWL15-PRC with canister samplers characteristics are the same as EWL15-PRC with exception that the membrane is delivered mounted on spider and placed in the aliumina canister

    Aliumina canister for EWL15 with canister series samplers.

    Dimensions: 9cm x 3cm x 3 cm
  • EWL15-Tox with canister - Exposmeter Water Lipophilic Toxicity 15 cm with canister

    WL15-Tox with canister samplers characteristics are the same as EWL15-Tox with exception that the membrane is delivered mounted on spider and placed in the aliumina canister

    Aliumina canister for EWL15 with canister series samplers.

    Dimensions: 9cm x 3cm x 3 cm

EWH serie: (PoCIS type)

  • EWH-Pest - Exposmeter Water Hydrophilic Pesticides

    Click on the link below for more information.

    General information
  • EWH-Pharm - Exposmeter Water Hydrophilic Pharmaceuticals

    Click on the link below for more information.

    General information

EWM serie: (DGT type)

EWV serie:

  • EWV - Exposmeter Water VOC

    EWV samplers main characteristics are the same as EGV. It differs only deployment device. EWV can be mounted on the spider and deployed in protective cage the same as EWL serie samplers.
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